It's been a while since my last post. So much has been going on, but so little has been going on. Does that even make sense? Since my last post, I've started a new trimester at William Carey working on my Masters. I'll be so glad when I'm finished. I started last February with the Spring trimester and I'm now in the Spring trimester again working on two classes. Last summer, I took 3 classes, but this is the first time I've taken more than one during the school year. It's pretty tough, I'll admit. After this tri, I only have 2 more classes and I'm done!!!! What a relief!
I had to take Lizzy to the vet yesterday. Her front legs looked a little funny and she seemed to be favoring one of them a tiny bit, so we decided she needed to be checked out. Dr. Stacy could find absolutely nothing wrong with her other than she looks a little bow-legged(sp?). I just couldn't figure out why she would all-of-a-sudden be like this. Then, they weighed her. We took her to the bet 2 1/2 weeks ago for a round of shots and she weighed 2 pounds, 6 ounces. Y'all, she weighed a whopping 4 pounds, 4 ounces yesterday! No wonder the crazy, biting, active little thing is bow-legged!!!! Needless to say, her food bowl is now being taken up when she walks away from it. It was good to find out that nothing serious was wrong with her. On another note, she and Gypsy now get along. Gypsy isn't nearly as hyper-active as Lizzy, but she tolerates her now and even chases and plays with her. It's too funny to hear them running through the house. I'll post a new picture of her on my next post so you can see how much she really has grown.
I had the flu last week. That was the first time I've had it in years. It was horrible! Luckily, David hasn't shown any signs of getting it. (Him being sick is worse than me being sick. He's such a baby!) Cloie was supposed to come last weekend, but we suggested she wait until this weekend since I was sick. She quickly responded with "I don't want the flu!!!!" We missed her and it seems like forever since we've seen her, but she'll be here this weekend and get to stay for a whole week since it's Spring Break.
Amongst my two trips to the doctor because of the flu, I was also due to have my monthly blood work to check my HCG levels. I had that done and they were at 2 this week (0-5 is considered safe, for me). So, things are still going well regarding that and hopefully, we'll get the go-ahead in July to start trying again for our baby. I can't wait!
Oh, and go over to this blog and meet Abby. She did a super cool week of giveaway's and I won one of the day's prizes. It was a duo of a custom onesie and burp cloth. She sent me a pic of the custom design she made for my onesie and it is so cute! As soon as I get it in, I'll be sure to post a pic of them. Her work is just too cute! I'm so excited to add these two new items to my little "baby collection" that we have. When we were pregnant in April and then again in July, I bought a few things for the baby, but sadly, had to put them away. I'm looking at things a little more positively now as we count down the next 4 months when we can start trying again.
Hope you all have had a great month since I last blogged. It's been a busy one for us!